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A Fresh Start Archives - WebTalkRadio.net

A Fresh Start Archives - WebTalkRadio.net

A Fresh Start Archives - WebTalkRadio.net



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A Fresh Start – Got a Lump in My Throat, My Fond Farewell… for No
DEC 31, 2012
A Fresh Start – Got a Lump in My Throat, My Fond Farewell… for No

“Today I had tears in my eyes. It’s the last show I’m doing for a while. Six and a half years almost to the day A FRESH START WITH SALLIE FELTON went on the air and what a journey it has been. This show is all about thanking you and where A FRESH START is headed: more TV interviews, You-Tubing tips and tools for what life throws at us, writing articles, tele-seminars, workshops, coaching and blogging. And I thought I was slowing down…lol. It’s a new fork in the road, different opportunities and new adventures awaiting me. I will not be invisible; you can always see what I am doing on my website, twitter, Fb, LinkedIn and such. I am just a click away. I wish each and ever one of you a Happy Holiday and a Very Safe New Year.”
Let’s stay in touch,

P.S. As a special thank you, I’m giving away to the first 5 lucky winners, 4 FREE ½ phone/Skype coaching sessions with me. So here’s your chance to move one step closer to your goal. How to get my “thank you”? Send me an email, [email protected] with the subject line: My Thank You and I will connect with you after the first of the year.

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31 MIN
DEC 24, 2012

I once felt in so much pain that I had no where to go but up. I was so down, hit bottom, that something had to change. I could either make that move or not…I chose to change. Some times we hit the wall; we feel so much pain and yet can’t act. This interview with Sallie Felton and Eden Sterlington will give you the tools and help you decide if the time is right for you to take the next move. Eden Sterlington, The Intimacy Officer, is the developer of the SatisFillment™ life improvement technology and the Get Back to Passion coaching programs. These personal, specific programs of activities were originally created for her personal use. After dealing with several life altering events in rapid fire succession, she needed healthy ways out of her own overwhelm before the stress and pressure PERMANENTLY buried her under a pile of invisibility, powerlessness, fear, and pain.
She is edgy, racy, politically incorrect, and profane, at times. Her boldness and directness are refreshing in a world that worships the ‘if-it-feels-good-do-it’ mentality. In truth, NOTHING feels better than living in SatisFillment™. What is SatisFillment™? Great question! SatisFillment™ is a lifestyle, a philosophy, a system of achieving maximum quality of life. This system leads toward that kind of life most deeply desired. Simply put, a life that is inwardly and outwardly congruent with your core values. Sounds simple, doesn’t it?
It is simple, but it is not easy. Without accurate self-knowledge, complete self-acceptance, and consistent self-control – true self-intimacy is not possible. Without self-intimacy, how can you possibly share intimacy (into-me-see)?
As Founder and CEO of Sterlington International, Inc., Eden has established a ‘edutainment’ company committed to supporting her peers – Change Champions, Wisdom Warriors, and Sage Soldiers (often blandly referred to as ‘Baby Boomers’ or ‘middle agers’) with practical, do-it-right-now ways they can make improvements in their thinking, health, and connections. Anyone willing to look for healthy, effective, lasting approaches to avoiding, minimizing, or eliminating their pain deserves to find them. SatisFillment™ is here to provide a solution. Coach Eden is here as your guide, your teacher, your partner in your journey. Your life on your terms. Doesn’t that just make sense?

The post A Fresh Start – ARE YOU IN ENOUGH PAIN TO CHANGE? appeared first on WebTalkRadio.net.

54 MIN
A Fresh Start – How to “Fix” Your Husband or Your Wife…REALLY!
DEC 17, 2012
A Fresh Start – How to “Fix” Your Husband or Your Wife…REALLY!

I recently read an article where a husband said, “I thought I could change her after we were married.” How many times have I heard one spouse or another say that? Let’s cut to the chase…IT’S NOT GOING TO HAPPEN. PERIOD. Not unless they want to change. Today we are going to talk about how to heal a marriage. Dr. Deb’s latest book The Healing is Mutual she shares empowerment tools to rebuild the trust and respect between both individuals.

Here’s what Dr. Deb says: “If there is one thing I want you to know about me, it’s that my whole approach as a Marriage and Family Therapist to helping couples is NOT about finger-pointing; it’s NOT about “diagnosing” the “problem” and it’s NOT about just “communicating.” My approach is about building on your strengths, being understanding of what you’ve been through, and giving you solutions that are emotional, spiritual, intellectual, and behavioral. You can pick and choose which ones are the best fit for you, but they are all geared to healing. Healed people have space for happiness. I believe that you have suffered and now it’s time to heal. I want to help you heal from your past and your present. I want to help you and your partner to create a beautiful future. I want to help you to fall in love again. It is possible.”

Dr. Deb holds a Ph. D. in Marriage and Family Therapy from Nova Southeastern University. She began researching the areas of verbal abuse and domestic violence 20 years ago and has been writing and sharing ever since. She has authored and co-authored dozens of articles that appeared in both academic and lay publications, including a stint as Health Editor of The Jewish Star Times, a Miami Herald publication. Dr. Deb’s media appearances include America’s Health Network, News with Jim Turner, and News Radio 820 with Robin Hart. Dr. Deb is the founder of drdeb.com, the popular website that provides comprehensive information on marriage and family issues.

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54 MIN
A Fresh Start – “Life, the Truth, and Being Free”, One kind gesture at a time, One person at a time, One day at a time
DEC 10, 2012
A Fresh Start – “Life, the Truth, and Being Free”, One kind gesture at a time, One person at a time, One day at a time

Sallie Felton interviews this unique individual, Steve Maraboli…a man with a vision to do better…one person at a time. Listen to his simple techniques to give from the heart.

Acclaimed business trainer, speaker, best-selling author, radio show host, and philanthropist, Steve Maraboli has risen to international prominence as a recognized leader in business development, peak performance, and an authority on the human potential. Steve’s philanthropic company, A Better Today, Inc., creates and delivers education and empowerment programs throughout the USA and over 46 countries. His popular radio show, Empowered Living, has been heard by millions across the globe and has become a meeting place for today’s great thinkers and communicators as well as a showcase for his powerful seminars. Steve’s first book, “Life, the Truth, and Being Free”, has been recognized by media and readers around the globe as a masterpiece of wisdom. Steve’s second book, “The Power Of One”, is a celebration of community and will open the reader’s eyes to the wonderful experiences and synchronicities that come with recognizing the power we all have to shape our world… One kind gesture at a time, One person at a time, One day at a time.

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42 MIN
A Fresh Start – Is Your Teen Having Sex?
DEC 3, 2012
A Fresh Start – Is Your Teen Having Sex?

You can’t tell me that this didn’t catch your attention! Are they or are they not having sex; it is a parents’ worry? It was mine many years ago. Times have definitely changed in the  past decades. My emails have been full of questions for Dr. Wes; listen in and yours might be answered too.

Here’s what he’s going to touch upon today:
1. How to make “the talk” a conversation.
2. How to reduce anxiety surrounding sex talks (yours and your teens).
3. What needs to be in your ongoing sex conversations (more ethics, less mechanics).

Wes Crenshaw, PhD is a licensed psychologist and Board Certified in Couples and Family Psychology by the American Board of Professional Psychology. He specializes in working with adolescents and their families from his private practice in Lawrence, KS. He has co-authored the “Double Take” advice column for teens and their parents in the Lawrence Journal World since November 2004. Author of Dear Dr. Wes: Real Life Advice for Teens and Dear Dr. Wes: Real Life Advice for Parents of Teens.

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54 MIN