<description>&lt;p&gt;You can’t tell me that this didn’t catch your attention! Are they or are they not having sex; it is a parents’ worry? It was mine many years ago. Times have definitely changed in the  past decades. My emails have been full of questions for Dr. Wes; listen in and yours might be answered too. Here’s [&amp;#8230;]&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;The post &lt;a href="https://webtalkradio.net/internet-talk-radio/2012/12/03/a-fresh-start-is-your-teen-having-sex/"&gt;A Fresh Start &amp;#8211; Is Your Teen Having Sex?&lt;/a&gt; appeared first on &lt;a href="https://webtalkradio.net"&gt;WebTalkRadio.net&lt;/a&gt;.&lt;/p&gt;

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A Fresh Start Archives - WebTalkRadio.net

A Fresh Start – Is Your Teen Having Sex?

DEC 3, 201254 MIN
A Fresh Start Archives - WebTalkRadio.net

A Fresh Start – Is Your Teen Having Sex?

DEC 3, 201254 MIN


You can’t tell me that this didn’t catch your attention! Are they or are they not having sex; it is a parents’ worry? It was mine many years ago. Times have definitely changed in the  past decades. My emails have been full of questions for Dr. Wes; listen in and yours might be answered too.

Here’s what he’s going to touch upon today:
1. How to make “the talk” a conversation.
2. How to reduce anxiety surrounding sex talks (yours and your teens).
3. What needs to be in your ongoing sex conversations (more ethics, less mechanics).

Wes Crenshaw, PhD is a licensed psychologist and Board Certified in Couples and Family Psychology by the American Board of Professional Psychology. He specializes in working with adolescents and their families from his private practice in Lawrence, KS. He has co-authored the “Double Take” advice column for teens and their parents in the Lawrence Journal World since November 2004. Author of Dear Dr. Wes: Real Life Advice for Teens and Dear Dr. Wes: Real Life Advice for Parents of Teens.

The post A Fresh Start – Is Your Teen Having Sex? appeared first on WebTalkRadio.net.