<p>Music is a universal feature of the human experience — present from our very first cultures and civilisations.</p><p>But do the features of particular songs and styles translate across cultural boundaries? Like, is a lullaby recognisable even when it's from a different culture? Can you identify a love song in another language?</p><p>Today, we explore the special relationship between music and our minds, in an episode from Radio New Zealand's Our Changing World.</p><p>Our Changing World is produced and presented by Claire Concannon and Ellen Rykers for RNZ.</p><p>The clips from the <a href="https://www.themusiclab.org/nhs">Natural History of Song</a> project used in this episode are available <a href="https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/zenodo.org/records/7265514__;!!FvZmfVE!H9baDBH9QkkpJjqa1mJvLiUnHIRDHOuhITocXG_KCRe9ZQ0tfGp3-NO03GziiWh5z27vORix_PWWa2Ou1TIDwLnsdK4tsw8d$" target="_blank">online</a> under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.</p><p>The original version of this episode was first broadcast on RNZ as <a href="https://www.rnz.co.nz/national/programmes/ourchangingworld/audio/2018949788/our-musical-minds">Our Musical Minds</a>.</p>