Ideal: Roman Reunification.
Why would Germans want that?
Ag + Urbanization + Specialization = Long Distance Trade & Innovation
Regional States
Holy Roman Empire
Otto Of Saxony crowned Emperor by Pope John XII (962)
HRE: Internally divided + externally weak
Kings v. Prince ipalities
Investiture Contest
Kings appointing Bishops : laymen (non clergy) appointing clergy
(lay investiture)
Stand Off at Canossa
King Henry IV v Pope Gregory VII (1073-1085)
Strengthens Secular & Ecclesiastical interdependency
Frederick Barbarossa 1152-1190 pushed out of Lombardy by Pope
Capetien Dynasty
France: Hugh Capet (987)
appointed King because of his subordinate position under appointees
Slowly centralized France over the centuries (Joan of Arc?)
England: William the Conqueror (1066)
Brought Norman centralizing authority over Angles and Saxons
Italy: Ecclesiastical and Commercial city States
Iberian Peninsula: Castile, Aragon, Portugal v Moors
Economic & Social
Economy outpaced Political
Drained swamps, cleared forests, new crops
Horse shoes, horse collars
Population from 30 80 million
Labor specialization = urbanization city air makes you free
Venice, Genoa, Pisa, Naples
Baltic Hanseatic league
Business techniques
Credit and Partnerships
Social Strication
Estates General
1st Clergy those who pray
2nd Nobles those who fight (Chivalry)
3rd Commoners those who work
Control prices, quality assurance, womens inclusion
Church inspired literature
Economy = cathedral schools
Latin, liberal arts,
Cambridge, Oxford, Paris, Rome, Seville
St. Thomas Aquainas
Reconcile Christian beliefs
Bringing logic to Christianity
Common People
Saints & Sacraments: Virgin Mary
Dominicans of St. Dominic v materialism
Franciscans of St. Francis v materialism
Medieval Expansion
Converts to Christianity
Vikings reach Greenland and New Foundland
Balkan Influence Knights Templar
Knights Hospitallers
Teutonic Knights
Iberian Peninsula Reconquista
Pope Urban II Council of Clermont 1095
1st recaptures Jerusalem 1099
Saladin recaptures 1187
3rd Richard the Lionheart
4th Sack Constantinople
Politically and religiously failed
Economically and commercially succeeded