<p>Your Health Matters: Unlocking the Power of Asking

I'm thrilled to share some incredible insights from the latest episode of "Your Health Matters." This time, I had the honor of chatting with the legendary Mark Victor Hansen, co-author of the Chicken Soup for the Soul series and a powerhouse in motivational speaking. We dove deep into the art of asking, goal setting, and the transformative power of positive thinking. Here are the key takeaways:

Key Lessons and Ideas:

The Power of Asking: Inspired by Mark's book, Ask: The Bridge from Your Dreams to Your Destiny, I shared a personal story about how asking for a reduction in my mortgage saved me $21,000. Mark emphasized that many people miss out on opportunities simply because they don't ask.

Persistence Pays Off: Mark and his co-author faced 144 rejections before Chicken Soup for the Soul was accepted. This story is a testament to the importance of persistence and believing in oneself.

Daily Goal Setting: Mark suggests writing down your goals daily to gain clarity and manifest your desires. He shared how listing 267 qualities he wanted in a partner led him to a fulfilling relationship.

Embracing Challenges: We discussed the concept of polarity-understanding that success and challenges are two sides of the same coin. This perspective helps us appreciate life's highs and lows.

Neuroplasticity and Positive Affirmations: Mark highlighted the brain's ability to change and adapt. He encourages repeating positive statements like "I am a genius and I am applying my genius" to overcome limiting beliefs.

Health and Longevity: We touched on the importance of taking control of your health and making conscious choices to improve your well-being.

The Impact of Relationships: Mark explained that the quality of our relationships often reflects our mindset and energy. Cultivating a positive attitude can attract like-minded individuals who uplift and inspire us.

Curiosities and Insights:

Mark's Personal Journey: From facing bankruptcy to becoming a best-selling author, Mark's story is a powerful example of turning adversity into opportunity.

Family and Community: We discussed the significance of reading together as a family and the positive impact of community support.

Writing Your Story: Mark believes everyone has a story worth telling and encourages writing as a means of leaving a legacy.

This episode is packed with actionable insights and inspiring stories that can help you take charge of your life, set ambitious goals, and embrace the journey of self-discovery and empowerment.

Don't miss out on this enlightening conversation! Tune in to "Your Health Matters" and let Mark Victor Hansen's wisdom guide you toward a more fulfilling life.

Stay healthy and empowered,
Karl Sterling

P.S. Visit my website for more resources and to stay updated on future episodes! <a href="https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&amp;redir_token=QUFFLUhqbGpLTGxud3h0dTBCUllWNEhwbUF0MGlrR1JmZ3xBQ3Jtc0tteWNUYUFSN2VtSXNLMEpKZ0xZcG1XZ1lWdGNEWFJhVWFFS0c2WWphaUdTN3VFSmI5TzF3dDdHeE8tLXZqVlI3dU1aRHoyR3AtTDNQN3hGSlRqaWE3VlZCNXo2UkhUekJONjNLdkxnOFJ5UjY2RkQ5VQ&amp;q=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.karlsterling.com%2F&amp;v=pWvGJFEcrxM" target="_blank" rel="ugc noopener noreferrer">http://www.karlsterling.com</a></p>

Karl Sterling Podcast

Karl Sterling Podcast

Mark Victor Hansen: How Can Asking Transform Your Life?

OCT 25, 202476 MIN
Karl Sterling Podcast

Mark Victor Hansen: How Can Asking Transform Your Life?

OCT 25, 202476 MIN


<p>Your Health Matters: Unlocking the Power of Asking I'm thrilled to share some incredible insights from the latest episode of "Your Health Matters." This time, I had the honor of chatting with the legendary Mark Victor Hansen, co-author of the Chicken Soup for the Soul series and a powerhouse in motivational speaking. We dove deep into the art of asking, goal setting, and the transformative power of positive thinking. Here are the key takeaways: Key Lessons and Ideas: The Power of Asking: Inspired by Mark's book, Ask: The Bridge from Your Dreams to Your Destiny, I shared a personal story about how asking for a reduction in my mortgage saved me $21,000. Mark emphasized that many people miss out on opportunities simply because they don't ask. Persistence Pays Off: Mark and his co-author faced 144 rejections before Chicken Soup for the Soul was accepted. This story is a testament to the importance of persistence and believing in oneself. Daily Goal Setting: Mark suggests writing down your goals daily to gain clarity and manifest your desires. He shared how listing 267 qualities he wanted in a partner led him to a fulfilling relationship. Embracing Challenges: We discussed the concept of polarity-understanding that success and challenges are two sides of the same coin. This perspective helps us appreciate life's highs and lows. Neuroplasticity and Positive Affirmations: Mark highlighted the brain's ability to change and adapt. He encourages repeating positive statements like "I am a genius and I am applying my genius" to overcome limiting beliefs. Health and Longevity: We touched on the importance of taking control of your health and making conscious choices to improve your well-being. The Impact of Relationships: Mark explained that the quality of our relationships often reflects our mindset and energy. Cultivating a positive attitude can attract like-minded individuals who uplift and inspire us. Curiosities and Insights: Mark's Personal Journey: From facing bankruptcy to becoming a best-selling author, Mark's story is a powerful example of turning adversity into opportunity. Family and Community: We discussed the significance of reading together as a family and the positive impact of community support. Writing Your Story: Mark believes everyone has a story worth telling and encourages writing as a means of leaving a legacy. This episode is packed with actionable insights and inspiring stories that can help you take charge of your life, set ambitious goals, and embrace the journey of self-discovery and empowerment. Don't miss out on this enlightening conversation! Tune in to "Your Health Matters" and let Mark Victor Hansen's wisdom guide you toward a more fulfilling life. Stay healthy and empowered, Karl Sterling P.S. Visit my website for more resources and to stay updated on future episodes! <a href="https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&amp;redir_token=QUFFLUhqbGpLTGxud3h0dTBCUllWNEhwbUF0MGlrR1JmZ3xBQ3Jtc0tteWNUYUFSN2VtSXNLMEpKZ0xZcG1XZ1lWdGNEWFJhVWFFS0c2WWphaUdTN3VFSmI5TzF3dDdHeE8tLXZqVlI3dU1aRHoyR3AtTDNQN3hGSlRqaWE3VlZCNXo2UkhUekJONjNLdkxnOFJ5UjY2RkQ5VQ&amp;q=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.karlsterling.com%2F&amp;v=pWvGJFEcrxM" target="_blank" rel="ugc noopener noreferrer">http://www.karlsterling.com</a></p>