16 Ways to Make Money off Your Online Audience

OCT 10, 202423 MIN
Living The Red Life

16 Ways to Make Money off Your Online Audience

OCT 10, 202423 MIN


In today's episode, I cover 10 social media strategies like lead magnets, flash sales, and using DMs for high-ticket offers. We also talk about turning story highlights into sales funnels, teasing products, running giveaways, and using Instagram Lives. Influencer collaborations are another great way to boost reach.

For email, I share six strategies: the 9-word email to revive cold leads, re-engagement series, weekly flash sales, value-driven tips, storytelling sequences, and abandoned cart emails to recover lost sales. These tactics will help drive results! FIND FULL BREAKDOWN BELOW.


1. Lead Magnet with Opt-In

Strategy: Offer a free resource (guide, cheat sheet, mini-course) in exchange for an email address.

Execution: Use a call-to-action in your posts or stories to drive traffic to a landing page. Capture their email and funnel them into a sales sequence.

2. Flash Sale with Time-Sensitive Offers

Strategy: Create urgency with limited-time discounts or offers.

Execution: Post countdown timers in stories, push exclusive deals, and use captions like "24 Hours Only" to trigger immediate action.

3. High-Ticket Consultations via DMs

Strategy: Engage with your followers by inviting them to a free consultation or audit.

Execution: Use posts or reels to invite your audience to DM you for personalized consultations. You can then upsell into your high-ticket offers during the conversation.

4. Story Highlights as Mini Sales Funnels

Strategy: Create story highlights that function as evergreen sales funnels.

Execution: Showcase customer testimonials, product demonstrations, and CTAs. Always end with a link to buy or a swipe-up (if available).

5. Product Teasers with 'DM for Details'

Strategy: Build curiosity by posting about new products or services but require users to DM you for more information.

Execution: Post sneak peeks and create a sense of exclusivity. This pulls your audience into a more intimate sales conversation where you can close them 1-on-1.

6. Giveaway for Product Exposure

Strategy: Host a giveaway that requires participants to tag friends and follow your account.

Execution: Use the influx of new followers to showcase your products/services and follow up with those new leads through targeted content or DMs.

7. Instagram Lives with Live Offers

Strategy: Go live to engage directly with your audience and offer exclusive deals only available during the live session.

Execution: Push urgency by providing a promo code valid only during the live. Engage viewers with Q&A, showcase products, and direct them to a purchase link.

8. Testimonial and Case Study Posts

Strategy: Social proof in the form of case studies and testimonials drives conversions.

Execution: Use carousel posts or reels to share before-and-after stories, customer success testimonials, or client results. Include a strong CTA like "Want results like these? DM me."

9. Exclusive Membership or VIP Offers

Strategy: Create a VIP membership or exclusive access product for your audience.

Execution: Use posts and stories to promote this exclusive group, whether it's for early access, private content, or special discounts, and use scarcity to create urgency (e.g., "Only 50 spots available").

10. Cross-Promote with Influencers

Strategy: Partner with influencers who have similar audiences for shoutouts or collaborative campaigns.

Execution: Offer them an affiliate deal or revenue share. Use their endorsement to drive traffic back to your own profile and offers.


1. The 9-Word Email

  • Strategy: Send a super simple, no-fluff email that asks a direct question to revive cold leads.
  • Execution: After collecting emails from social media (using lead magnets, consultations, etc.), send an email like:
  • “Are you still interested in [solving a pain point]?”
  • Example: “Are you still looking to scale your Instagram with direct response marketing?” This opens up a conversation, prompting replies and leading into your sales pitch.

2. Re-Engagement Series

  • Strategy: Use a sequence of emails to re-engage subscribers who haven’t opened or interacted with your emails in a while.
  • Execution:
  • Email 1: Acknowledge their inactivity with a subject line like "We Miss You!"
  • Email 2: Offer something exclusive or new to reignite interest (e.g., a limited-time discount or exclusive offer).
  • Email 3: Mention you're going to remove them from your list unless they respond or take action (scarcity creates urgency).

3. Weekly Flash Sales via Email

  • Strategy: Set up weekly or bi-weekly emails that offer limited-time discounts to create urgency.
  • Execution: Drive traffic from your social media to join your email list for 'Exclusive Flash Sales.' Each week, email a 48-hour sale on a product/service with a strong call-to-action. Use subject lines like, "Your Exclusive 48-Hour Offer Starts Now!"

4. Daily Tips/Value-Driven Emails

  • Strategy: Use emails to deliver daily or weekly tips that add value to your audience. This builds trust, authority, and rapport.
  • Execution: Each email provides a quick, actionable tip related to your niche, then subtly links back to your product or service. For example, "Here's how you can instantly improve your Instagram engagement... [tip]... Want more growth tips like these? Click here to work with me 1-on-1."

5. Storytelling Email Sequences

  • Strategy: Use a series of emails to tell a story that builds curiosity and emotional connection, while leading the reader toward a purchase.
  • Execution: Break down the story of how you helped a client succeed or your own personal journey. Tease the full transformation or key 'a-ha' moments in each email, and reveal how your product/service made it happen in the final email with a strong CTA.
  • Example: “How [Client Name] Went from 0 to 10K Followers in 60 Days Using This 3-Step Formula…”

6. Abandoned Cart/Checkout Sequence

  • Strategy: Use email automation to follow up with people who started but didn’t complete a purchase.
  • Execution: Once someone leaves a product in their cart or fails to book a call after filling out a form, send an automated sequence to remind them and incentivize them to take action. Structure:
  • Email 1 (1 hour later): Gentle reminder.
  • Email 2 (24 hours later): Add urgency (limited stock or time).
  • Email 3 (48 hours later): Add a discount or bonus if they complete the purchase.

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