We’re back with series 6 of The Wellness Breakdown and this is our special Christmas Episode dedicated to helping you enjoy the festive season without losing yourself. Rose and Eve offer advise on how to eat what you like without the bloated Christmas feeling, why it’s important to preserve time for yourself over the festive period and suggest tips on dealing with tricky relatives. Plus, cocktails that taste so good you’d never think they were alcohol free! We speak to the wonderful...

The Wellness Breakdown

Eve Kalinik & Rose Ferguson

Our Christmas Survival Guide

DEC 23, 202433 MIN
The Wellness Breakdown

Our Christmas Survival Guide

DEC 23, 202433 MIN


We’re back with series 6 of The Wellness Breakdown and this is our special Christmas Episode dedicated to helping you enjoy the festive season without losing yourself. 

Rose and Eve offer advise on how to eat what you like without the bloated Christmas feeling, why it’s important to preserve time for yourself over the festive period and suggest tips on dealing with tricky relatives. 

Plus, cocktails that taste so good you’d never think they were alcohol free! We speak to the wonderful Camille Vidal, from La Maison Wellness, who offers great tips and recipes to have an alcohol free or low alcohol Christmas. 

And Rose has a great last-minute suggestion for a gift this Christmas! 

For more information about Camille Vidal and her programme mentioned and to find some delicious non-alcoholic drinks recipes to go https://www.lamaisonwellness.com/ or look for her on Instagram  @lamaisonwellness 

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DISCLAIMER: All the advice and recommendations in this podcast is given generally. If you feel like you have any contraindications to anything we recommend please check with your healthcare provider first.