The “Bite Sized Education” Series
In our final episode of season 4, we chat about the challenges of self care during pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum. We celebrate cohost Tina Laboy’s pregnancy while listening to the challenges she is currently facing and announce our plans for the next chapter of our podcast!
Our amazing listeners also wrote in and in this episode we will answer the following question:
Dear Mom Genes,
I am currently pregnant with my third kid and I am noticing the different challenges that this pregnancy has vs. the past pregnancies. I hear everyone talking about the importance of self care during pregnancy, but honestly I don’t have time. How is this even possible? What does self care look like when your life doesn’t feel like yours anymore? What if I am upset with my body, because it is in pain and is sore and tired? I need your advice. Thank you! Pregnant Parent
For full episode information and links discussed in the episode, please go to To connect with the Mom Genes community, check out our Instagram @momgenesthepodcast or Facebook group: Mom Genes The Podcast. Please email us your questions or thoughts for future episodes at [email protected]
If you enjoyed the episode, be sure to take a screenshot and share it out on Instagram and tag @momgenesthepodcast. We will be sure to share your comments and re-posts in our Instagram stories! In order to not miss a single episode, SUBSCRIBE and please give us a RATING and REVIEW on iTunes!
The information presented in this podcast does not replace individual therapy or nutrition recommendations.
The “Bite Sized Education” Series
In part two of this week’s topic about postpartum depression, we interview Stephanie Asher of @selflovelegacy about the most common warning signs of perinatal mood disorders. We openly share about which symptoms we all personally experienced and normalize the physical and emotional challenges of the fourth trimester. Stephanie shares her process of increasing self love and self care through her personal and parenting journey as well as how she helps others in their healing process. We share resources for additional support and offer encouragement to listeners who may be experiencing dark times.
Connect with Stephanie Asher:
IG @selflovelegacy
Podcast: Self Love with Stephanie
For full episode information and links discussed in the episode, please go to To connect with the Mom Genes community, check out our Instagram @momgenesthepodcast or Facebook group: Mom Genes The Podcast. Please email us your questions or thoughts for future episodes at [email protected]
If you enjoyed the episode, be sure to take a screenshot and share it out on Instagram and tag @momgenesthepodcast. We will be sure to share your comments and re-posts in our Instagram stories! In order to not miss a single episode, SUBSCRIBE and please give us a RATING and REVIEW on iTunes!
The information presented in this podcast does not replace individual therapy or nutrition recommendations.
The “Bite Sized Education” Series
In part one of this week’s topic about postpartum depression we discuss the statistics of postpartum depression and anxiety and the warning signs that may indicate you are struggling with this extremely common diagnosis. We share red flags, explain the science behind why perinatal mood disorders are so prevalent, and offer resources if you need support.
Our amazing listeners also wrote in and in this episode we will answer the following question:
Dear Mom Genes,
I have struggled with being overwhelmed, exhausted, and feeling stuck in my new phase as a mom with two young children. I feel like the world is passing me by and each day I am just trying to survive. I want to learn to thrive, but the things that will make me feel alive are the self care hobbies (I miss my book club), activities (I miss yoga), and behaviors (I just want to sleep and cook a decent meal!) just don’t feel feasible. How can I practice self care even while I am struggling with what is probably postpartum depression? Love, Exhausted Mama
For full episode information and links discussed in the episode, please go to To connect with the Mom Genes community, check out our Instagram @momgenesthepodcast or Facebook group: Mom Genes The Podcast. Please email us your questions or thoughts for future episodes at [email protected]
If you enjoyed the episode, be sure to take a screenshot and share it out on Instagram and tag @momgenesthepodcast. We will be sure to share your comments and re-posts in our Instagram stories! In order to not miss a single episode, SUBSCRIBE and please give us a RATING and REVIEW on iTunes!
The information presented in this podcast does not replace individual therapy or nutrition recommendations.
The “Bite Sized Education” Series
This week we are chatting about life after chronic dieting. When we let go of the routine, rules, and structure that diet culture offers as a safety net for eating, we are often faced with the unknown of how to be a mindful eater. We know that diet culture is toxic and the rules ignored our body attunement, but how do we switch gears? Especially when dieting has offered us reliability in an unreliable life. We share tips for mindful eating, offer journal prompts to explore the fears of letting go of dieting, and how to let go of control over our bodies to find body trust.
Our amazing listeners also wrote in and in this episode we will answer the following question:
Dear Mom Genes,
I am over it! I have dieted for, literally, my entire life. I was put on a diet by my parents as a kid and have just continued that cycle throughout my entire adult hood. Now that I have given up on dieting I feel lost and very scared about the unknown as well as what my future holds. Am I capable of doing life without dieting? One of the main reasons that I am rejecting dieting is for my kids, because I don’t want them to grow up with the same lifestyle that I had, but I feel pretty lost. What is next? HELP! Wandering Parent
For full episode information and links discussed in the episode, please go to To connect with the Mom Genes community, check out our Instagram @momgenesthepodcast or Facebook group: Mom Genes The Podcast. Please email us your questions or thoughts for future episodes at [email protected]
If you enjoyed the episode, be sure to take a screenshot and share it out on Instagram and tag @momgenesthepodcast. We will be sure to share your comments and re-posts in our Instagram stories! In order to not miss a single episode, SUBSCRIBE and please give us a RATING and REVIEW on iTunes!
The information presented in this podcast does not replace individual therapy or nutrition recommendations.
The “Bite Sized Education” Series
In this week’s episode we elaborate on the type of hunger that is labeled “emotional eating” and help you define your understanding of what this entails and how to increase your awareness around emotional urges to eat. We give tips on how to separate out food and feelings and when using food as a coping skill is normal versus problematic. We explore the beauty that food offers through pleasure and connection and why emotional eating has increased during the pandemic. We believe that emotional hunger is a biologically normal hunger and that food is a beautiful gift, and we hope that the education surrounding this topic in this episode helps you find peace and enjoy food freedom.
Our amazing listeners also wrote in and in this episode we will answer the following question:
Dear Mom Genes,
I am really confused on the definition of emotional eating. I feel like people demonize this term, but I also don’t want to be doing it wrong. If I am eating because I am sad or lonely, is that wrong? Or what about if I am celebrating a holiday or birthday with my kids? Can I eat the cake even if I am not hungry? I feel like there is a lot of negativity around emotional eating and that we shouldn’t be doing it or else we are not doing intuitive eating correctly. Can you elaborate? Thanks for your help, Emotional Mama.
For full episode information and links discussed in the episode, please go to To connect with the Mom Genes community, check out our Instagram @momgenesthepodcast or Facebook group: Mom Genes The Podcast. Please email us your questions or thoughts for future episodes at [email protected]
If you enjoyed the episode, be sure to take a screenshot and share it out on Instagram and tag @momgenesthepodcast. We will be sure to share your comments and re-posts in our Instagram stories! In order to not miss a single episode, SUBSCRIBE and please give us a RATING and REVIEW on iTunes!
The information presented in this podcast does not replace individual therapy or nutrition recommendations.